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A fireplace is the centerpiece of a room, a conversation point and a source of warmth and character.  Adding a touch of traditional style and character to your home, there’s nothing like gathering around the fireplace with family and friends on a cool night.  But when it comes to choosing the right fireplace for your home, there are a wide variety of options.  With the five factors discussed below, we look at how you can make a better choice for the right fireplace for your home.

Fuel Type

Fuel type is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing your new fireplace.  The type of fuel your fireplace uses will determine the maintenance, running and cleaning costs of your fireplace.  Wood-burning fireplaces have long been the most popular choice because of fuel availability and their traditional style.  Traditional wood-burning fireplaces are known to be quite inefficient when it comes to heat retention and energy usage, so these are often replaced with wood-burning fireplace inserts that also use wood fuel.  Gas fireplace inserts and artificial gas log sets are becoming more popular as a cleaner and more environmentally friendly source of fuel.

Wood-burning fireplaces and inserts also require more intensive flue cleaning as wood releases more by-products than gas when burned.  Gas burning fireplace inserts still require maintenance, but the level of service may be less extreme due to the cleaner fuel. Gas inserts never need their flues cleaned.


The design of the fireplace you choose should match the theme and design of your home.  It can be helpful to work with a fireplace professional or architect to analyze the qualities of your home and investigate which style of fireplace would fit best.  For a traditional style home, you may wish to choose a traditional wood-burning fireplace or more energy efficient wood-burning fireplace insert which fits into the structure of your fireplace.  More modern or transitional homes may prefer to have an innovative and dynamic gas-burning fireplace insert or artificial gas log design.


The style of fireplace you choose will depend both on the type of fuel you want to use and the characteristics you want your fireplace to possess. Freestanding wood burning stoves are great for heating large spaces, while traditional fireplace and wood-burning fireplace inserts are great when you want to blend heating with style.  Artificial gas log sets can be installed in many creative and diverse ways for a completely new and innovative style of fireplace in your home.  Balancing the right choice of fuel type, fireplace location and home design will help you chose the right fireplace style.


Many homes are built with a designated space for a fireplace to be installed.  However, some homes do not have space for a traditional built-in fireplace.   Choosing which room and location you want your fireplace installed will help determine whether it should be a built-in or freestanding fireplace or appliance.   Your fireplace professional or architect can also help you determine what material your fireplace should be built from to meet the needs of safety, codes, design, and aesthetics.

Energy Efficiency

Nowadays many people are concerned about heating their homes in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner.  Fireplace style and fuel type can greatly affect how efficient your fireplace is at heating your home.  Freestanding stove, wood or gas burning fireplace insert are generally more efficient than traditional wood-burning fireplaces or artificial gas log sets.  An expert can work with you to find the most efficient and appealing fireplace solution for your home.

Choosing the right fireplace can help you create an inviting atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your space.  Discuss your options with a fireplace expert or architect to balance all the available choices and find the right fireplace for your home.

What Options Do I Have For Fireplace Conversion?

Wood burning fireplaces offer a certain charm and ambience to your home, but when it comes to heating and environmental efficiency they are far from the best choice. If you have a fireplace at home, you may want to keep it, while also making it safer, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly. That’s where fireplace conversion can be the ideal way to transform your inefficient wood burning fireplace into a more efficient and functional heating installation.

The Problem With Wood Burning Fireplace Conversion

Wood burning fireplaces can be one of the most inefficient options, with much of the heat from within the home and as well as the heat generated from the fire simply being lost through the chimney. Wood burning fireplaces also add smoke, pollution, and particulate matter to the air which can trigger allergies and asthma and contribute to environmental pollution. Wood burning fireplaces increase the risk of chimney fires and home fires due to the buildup of creosote as a byproduct of wood burning.

Fortunately, when it comes to switching out your wood burning fireplace for a cleaner, more efficient version, you have a number of options.

Wood Burning Fireplace Inserts

Wood burning fireplace inserts retain the charm of traditional wood burning fireplaces, while lessening the environmental impact. Wood burning inserts reduce drafts and heat escaping from the fireplace, while ensuring wood burns hotter and more completely. Wood burning fireplace inserts can fit right into a traditional fireplace, converting it into a more efficient option.

Artificial Gas Logs

Artificial gas log fireplaces can offer an economical option that gives the effect of a real wood-burning fireplace without the pollution and the mess. Artificial gas logs may still need to be installed with glass door enclosures to reinforce insulation and prevent heat loss. Gas log fireplaces use gas as a fuel which can be more economical than firewood (if you need to pay for firewood). Gas log fireplaces provide reliable heat without the pollution of smoke and the mess of ash and creosote.

Gas Fireplace Insert

A gas fireplace insert is like a gas heater installed within the firebox of the existing fireplace. Because they are sealed, they are more efficient than gas logs and can provide reliable heat with adjustable flames. Gas fireplace inserts can cost more to install initially but can offer a more efficient heating solution without the health and environmental concerns of other fireplace options.

Electric Fireplace Insert

Electric fireplaces can be useful as they don’t require a chimney to vent. That means if your chimney is not functioning you can still create the effect of the fireplace with an electric insert. The drawback of an electric fireplace is that there are no flames, so it doesn’t have the same effect as other installations. While Electric inserts are inexpensive to install, electricity is generally not the most efficient fuel source. However electric inserts can provide a good source of heat as a nonpolluting alternative to an open fire place.

For environmental, health, and economical reasons, swapping out your traditional fireplace for a more efficient version makes sense. If you’re not sure which fireplace alternative is right for you, talk to our fireplace experts today to learn more about which fireplace conversion will work best for your home.


Is your fireplace style looking tired, outdated, or even damaged? You might consider restoring your fireplace to make it more attractive and more useable. Here are five outstanding fireplace restoration ideas from the economical to the indulgent!



Do you miss out on the joy of watching flickering flames in the fireplace because chopping, hauling, and storing logs just is not for you? With a cozy fire, the fireplace is often a favorite gathering place in the home. There’s no need to let your fireplace go to waste! Gas log sets provide the ambiance of a roaring fire without the hassle and smoke that goes along with wood burning. The natural gas or liquid propane gas used by gas logs is clean-burning. In fact, gas logs are an efficient and environmentally friendly choice, that is ultra-convenient and easy to use.

Gas log sets can change the look and ambiance of your existing wood or masonry fireplace and are available in a wide range of colors, sizes, and shapes. Gas logs come in two basic varieties, vented log sets and vent-free log sets. 


A gas log set must be used in a regular fireplace, designed to burn a wood fire. The benefits are numerous and they can offer some unique advantages. With all of the different types and options, it can be hard to know what the set is right for you, so let’s take a look at the key differences between gas log sets.


Gas log sets are used in a regular fireplace designed for wood that releases the gas fumes through the chimney. Flame size is typically large, lending to a more realistic look, however, they aren’t especially efficient for heating since the heat goes up the chimney. Log sets must be operated with the damper wide open. Only a few varieties of vented gas logs will give off heat, otherwise, you will want to look into a Gas Log Heater, which will provide up to 25,000 BTUs of heat into the room and can be used with or without glass doors. Gas log sets can be connected to a manual on/off  gas valve, or a manual safety pilot.


  • Large flames not unlike wood-burning fire flames
  • Increased safety
  • Reasonable purchase price


  • Higher fuel input than wood fires
  • Lower heat output that wood-burning fires


You may have heard about vent-free logs because they do exist; however, they are illegal in California.


Most gas log sets range from 18 “to 30”. The size is determined by the length of the front log, which is typically the largest. To choose a size you’ll need to measure your fireplace front width, back width and depth.

• Measure the front and back widths, the depth, and the height of your enclosure

• Choose a log size based on the available enclosure space

• Uncommon sizes of gas logs are available from 16 “up to 70” 

• Be sure to account for clearing of the gas valve or any added remote receiver box


Convenience: Lighting gas logs is quick and easy, which means there is minimum hassle to enjoy a delightful fire in your home.

Easy Maintenance

Chimney Fire Prevention: Maintenance and cleaning are still important. Because gas logs produce a lot less creosote and soot in the chimney lining, they bring safety. There is much smaller risk of a dangerous chimney fire when you enjoy the warmth provided by a gas log set.

Environmentally Friendly

Affordable Installation: The total cost involved with buying and installing a gas fireplace in your home can be as little as $ 5,000, and the potential return on your investment if you sell your home is high. In fact, if you sell, you can count on getting back about 90% of the cost to add a gas log set to your home.

Authentic Appearance: Today’s gas logs are much more than realistic than the sets of the past. You can now find artificial logs that are very convincing! 

Lower Utility Costs: You can practice zone heating with convenient gas logs sets. When zone heating, you only heat the part of your home that you are currently occupying.

Style: There are a wide variety of gas log sets to choose from, and you’ll find one that fits into your decor.


There are a large variety of accessories available for gas logs, so we’ll just highlight a few. Platinum Embers are a low-cost addition to your set that really makes it sparkle. They are significantly brighter than regular embers, mix both regular and Platinum for the most realistic look. You can connect your set to a thermostat, a remote starter, or both.


Always make sure you buy a gas set that matches the gas already in use in your home. You will have either liquid propane or natural gas already set up for other appliances. When you buy vented and vent-free log sets, they are often pre-set to either natural gas or liquid propane. 

In Conclusion, gas log sets are a great way to reinvigorate your existing fireplace and create a more convenient and affordable heating solution. The safety and reliability of a gas log set are matched only by the efficiency and convenience they offer. Be sure to find a unit that matches your preference and enjoy the many benefits of a gas log set.

How Does a Fireplace Insert Work?

Everyone loves the look of an open fire in a brick fireplace. It’s classic, familiar, beautiful. Did you know it’s also wasteful, inefficient and less clean than a wood heaters would be?

The design of an open fireplace allows a large portion of the heat generated to leave through the chimney. Wood heaters allow you to have efficient design and classic good looks, both! They work as a more efficient burners in the setting of a traditional fireplace. Wood burning fireplace inserts release less smoke and emissions than open fire and provide even better heating results. Inserts are used to convert traditional stone and brick fireplaces, which are inefficient and polluting, into effective heating systems.

How Does a Fireplace Insert Work?

A fireplace insert is similar to a wood heaters that’s been modified to fit within the firebox of a masonry fireplace. An insert consists of a firebox surrounded by a steel shell. Air from the room flows between the firebox and shell, taking heat back into the room. Heat distributor fans can be turned on to push heat into the home. They generally have glass doors for safety and you can see vents above, below, or next to the firebox for the circulation of air and heat.

Must You Sacrifice Form For Function?

In a short answer, no. Wood burning inserts are actually very natural looking in the setting of an existing fireplace. In fact, many homeowners build their original masonry fireplace with a Wood heaters structure from the beginning because of their rugged good looks and great efficiency. Many people don’t even realize that fireplaces are outfitted with Wood Burning Inserts because the look is so familiar.

Why Choose A Wood Burning Insert Over Keeping Your Old Fireplace

While it’s certainly possible that your old fireplace may have been dangerous, and a wood heaters is the safest solution, most people choose them for their advantages.

Environmentally Friendly

Wood is actually very environmentally friendly because it is a renewable, sustainable resource and is considered carbon-neutral to burn by the Carbon Trust. Did you know that if wood were naturally decaying in the woods, it would release the same amount of carbon as it does burning in your hearth? Today’s wood burning inserts combust the harmful fire byproducts that a traditional fireplace releases into the atmosphere. They emit less than 1 gram of smoke per hour, which exceeds the Environmental Protection Agency’s clean air standards.

Energy Efficient

Some wood burning insert models have over 80% efficiency. The dual combustion system within a wood heaters is what generates a hotter, longer lasting fire. The venting system prevents heat from quickly escaping up the chimney and fans push heated air into your home instead. With the right insert you can easily heat a large living space. You’ll go hours without having to add fuel to the fire.

Cost Effective

One load of wood can burn for up to 8 hours in the right fireplace insert, saving you on wood costs. Also, the heat provided to your home can allow you to zone heat through the cold months, instead of using a furnace system to heat the entire home. But the advantages are not reserved for winter! Insulation is placed around a fireplace insert during installation. This prevents cool air from escaping during the summer and hot air from leaking out during the winter. The glass doors of the insert also prevent downdraft problems, keeping your home well insulated.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

Fireplaces with a wood burning insert do need annual chimney cleaning, but an insert will reduce the cost of repairing and maintaining your fireplace through the years. With the installation of a fireplace insert, the integrity of a fireplace is fortified without the high price of rebuilding or renovating a masonry fireplace. Replacing or repairing a damaged insert is also significantly less expensive than repairing a masonry fireplace.

A Wide Range Of Looks And Features

Wood Burning Fireplace Inserts come in styles from slick and sleek, to traditional and ornate. The aesthetic range of offerings is almost overwhelming! You’ll surely find something that fits your style in the available selections. Inserts can also offer features not available with traditional fireplaces, like thermostat control, heat distributor fans and self-cleaning glass.

If you have any questions about wood burning fireplace inserts, just ask us at The Irish Sweep.

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