Did you know why chimney inspectors use cameras to evaluate safety? Anyone who isn’t using a visual inspection from inside the flue is not gaining the information needed to assess fire safety. That’s why Irish Sweep uses the Chim Scan Lighthouse camera.
To know if your chimney is safe for use, having a camera-assisted inspection is the only way. This is because any other method of assessing the safety of your chimney is akin to making a guess. Not even an “educated guess” because without visual information about the inside of your flue, the education on your specific chimney is missing.
With the lighthouse camera, the entire interior of your chimney is made visible with a navigable camera. It can take still pictures as well as continuously display during the inspection. It can be backed up or moved forward, and offers a 360 degree view. The camera itself doesn’t diagnose or evaluate safety, instead human chimney experts use it to gather needed information. There are still not computers as intelligent as licensed chimney sweeps!
Some of the things a sweep looks for during an inspection include cracks in the clay tile, gaps between the joints of the tile, any potential defects, and creosote build up. They may encounter birds or rodent nests or other blockages as well. The sweep’s job is to fully assess the condition of your chimney. This includes the surface, the structure, and any blockages to the airway. The next steps may be a chimney cleaning, repair, or just a cozy fire.
We want to find these things to protect your home. The camera’s view can help you evaluate safety from building fires, build up from toxic gasses, and the danger of a spontaneously collapsing chimney, among other things.
At the Irish Sweep, we use camera technology for all chimney inspections. If you haven’t had your chimney inspected in the last year, you’re taking a risk that becomes more dangerous as time goes on. Contact us today to schedule an inspection and cleaning, so you can enjoy a stress-free night by the fire.
For more about the specific model of camera we use, visit: https://www.chimscan.net/lighthouse-camera.html